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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Zelda OoT Finding the Triforce

Zelda ocarina of Time Triforce: 10 years since the game came out and people are still finding secrets in the game. Well, my brother isn't the only person who found the triforce before the exact same way so here is what you have to do: First, just when you enter the royal tomb(as young link the first time your in Kakariko Village) you get the sun's song and you walk back till you enter the first room of the tomb. A chest with bombs will fall.(why?) Nintendo won't make a secret were you don't get a clue of how to do it so there must be something to it. Go to the left middle of the wall and notice Navi turns green by one of the skull heads. Well, play the sun's song and a red fairy will go around you. What are these wierd red fairies? SOme sort of secrets? maybe, because this one is. Talk to the skeleton and it will say "Shine the Light on the living dead." Now why in the first room wwhen you can't even talk to this skeleton and you get the sun's song after this little skeleton. Now the way to make this skeleton talk is to play the sun's song. So we figure out to shine the light on the zombies after we get the song and leave the zombies room? And even more, you need to play the sun's song to make this skeleton talk. There has to be something. We need to put a bomb somewhere but where? Well, I don't know because my brother did this and after you beat the game, you forget about the game. If you want more proof, then go tho the right wall and talk to the skeleton leaning on the wall. He says "Does who rob the royal tomb will be infiltrated by the lurker's in the dark" Well that's nice to know. Why would nintendo put this here? Why would anyone care you'll be killed by the Lurker's in the dark? Well, the lurker's i the dark must be a gaurd or something guarding the triforce(my guess). I'm still trying to find the place to put the bomb and I don't trust the roms. They seem different from my N64 version. I might have the versions that let you get the triforce. From what I've heard 47% of the Zelda's OoT's sold in America won't let you get the triforce due to a glitch and same goes for 0.5% of the ones in Japan. Lucky Japanese get all the good stuff. Why won't they sell some in America and Canada? Well, if anyone finds anything, let me know at Wierd email right? Well, the messages from me are from John Polish Dude(I wasn't drunk or high when i did this. Just bored.

Here's a image of the alpha triforce:


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